Chapel Services during Semester

All College students and their families as well as staff and members of the public are warmly welcome to attend any of our weekly worship services which are according to The Book of Common Prayer (1662) or A Prayer Book for Australia (1995).


  • 8:30am
    Morning Prayer (20 mins)


  • 8:30am
    Morning Prayer (20 mins)

  • 5:15pm
    Choral Evensong (60 mins)

  • 8:30pm
    Bible Study (60 mins)


  • 8:30am
    Morning Prayer (20 mins)


  • 8:30am
    Morning Prayer (20 mins)

  • 8:30pm
    World Views and Ethics (60 mins)


  • 8:30am
    Morning Prayer (20 mins)

  • 12 Noon
    Holy Communion (40 mins)

Our principal service is Choral Evensong, sung each Tuesday from 5:15pm with a sermon delivered by the Chaplain, Warden or occasional guest preacher.

Important annual and occasional services such as Welcome Week and Commencement Services, ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day commemorative services, Valedictory Evensong, and the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols are advised separately.