25 Oct 2024


Valedictory Dinner Celebrates Our Third Year Students

With a little sadness and much joy the College celebrated the immense contribution of our third year undergraduate cohort with the traditional Valedictory Dinner. The celebrations began at a very full Valedictory Chapel Service with its rousing ‘bangers’ of hymns, all chosen by the Students’ Club Committee. Thank you to the Warden for a stirring sermon about spiritual rebirth and coping with change using the second reading from St John’s Gospel (3 1-15) about Nicodemus and the parable Jesus told of Moses and the bronze serpent.

The Chaplain, Rev’d Antony Weiss, included a special prayer for each and every student at St Paul’s which particularly mentioned the late Zac Lerner who would have been one of the 2024 valedictorians.  

Drinks in Chapel Quad followed and then to the black tie dinner in the Main Quad where over 300 were seated. The 56 valedicts were honoured with pithy speeches about their time in College and contribution to their three years during which they experienced, supported and led massive change in the life of the College.

During the celebrations the College Prizes for 2024 were presented by the Warden:

  • The Albert Medal for Instrumental Music Huge Baker (BA III)
  • The Felix Arnott Medal for Drama Ameila Tabary-Edwards (BComm/BAdvStud II)
  • The Asimus Medal for Oratory Bridget Pye (BE(Hons)/BPrjMgmt(Civil) I) and Olivia McMillan (BE(Hons)/BA I)
  • The Drury Medal for Singing Andrew Siu (BPharm/MPharmPrac III)
  • The Waddy Medal for Debating William Defina (BE(Hons)/BComm)
  • Fresher Sportswoman of the Year Heidi Best (BE(Hons)(Aero) I)
  • Fresher Sportsman of the Year Iwo Ellis (BComm I)
  • Sportswoman of the Year Eloise Knights (BComm II)
  • Sportsman of the Year Luka Mattani (BVS/DVS I)
  • The Kokoda Award for the 2024 Students Club Committee Ed Taylor (BE(Hons)/BA III), Alex Robinson (BE(Hons)/BComm III), Mitchell Arcus (BE(Hons)(Aero) III), Banjo Cole (BBus III)
  • Natalie McRory (BA II), Jack Sproats (BMedSci/BAdvStud III), Nick Stack (BComm/BAdvStud III), Tilly Walker (BEd II)
  • The Kokoda Richardson Service Award for the student who has best represented the ideals of service, courage, endurance, mateship and sacrifice Charles Dight (BA/LLB III)
  • The Vessel of St Paul Himself for the student whose demeanour and involvement embodies the Pauline spirit and character – one who possesses and consistently demonstrates the qualities we hope to instil in all who attend this great College Bligh Walter (BSc III)
  • The Lehane Medal and Scholarship for a student who has been resident for at least three years and who, by their participation in the activities of the College, and by their academic, cultural, sporting or other achievements, has made an exemplary contribution to the life and standing of the College Max Phillips (BA/BAdvStud III)

The College community offers it congratulations to this year’s awardees and acknowledges the great contribution over the last three years by our valedictorians.