14 Jun 2024

News 2024

Another Pauline Elected USU President

Congratulations to Bryson Constable (Economics/Law III) who was recently elected President of the University of Sydney Union (USU) for 2024/5. Bryson first connected with the USU through representing St Paul’s in Intercollegiate Palladian competitions and was elected to the USU Board in 2023 with the most votes. Two other recent Paulines serving USU include Cole Scott-Curwood (2019-20) who was president of USU in 2022/23 and Nick Dower (2021-23) who served as Honorary Treasurer in 2023/24.  

USU President is a significant role within the University and through it Bryson hopes to foster even greater engagement between the colleges and the USU, as well as serve all students on campus through leadership of the voluntary governing body of USU.

The union began in 1874 and is now Australia’s largest independent student-led not-for-profit organisation with over 46,000 members and over 100 staff. With a $30 million turnover, the USU provides a wide range of services, outlets, events, programmes, facilities, and opportunities to help students get the most out of their time at uni.

The St Paul’s College community is immensely proud of Bryson’s contribution to student welfare and amenities that support daily life on campus.  Taking on this important governance and strategic role is both a great learning opportunity for him and critical for the greater good of the University’s student body and the resident community of colleges and halls enjoying on-campus facilities, recreation and events.

Bryson’s grandfather, Prof Ian Constable AO, was in College 1960-64. He is a leading international ophthalmologist based in Perth. He was the founder of the Lions Eye Institute there. Bryson is a debater in the intercol competition team representing St Paul’s, represented the College in intercol Oration last year, is a regular member of the Victoriana! cast, he was winner of the Sir Ian McFarlane Prize for exceptional results in economics/commerce and for service to College in 2022, and was a scholar on the Deans’ List of Excellence (Economics) in 2023.  

Congratulations Bryson on your election and best wishes for your busy year ahead.