In accordance with schedule 2 part 2 (4) of the Saint Paul’s College Act 2018 (NSW), an election will be held in late March 2025 for the election of two (2) Lay members of Council for terms of six years. Persons are entitled to vote in this election if they are a graduate of the University of Sydney and have resided on the premises of the College for at least four (4) University terms or three (3) University semesters.
Five (5) nominations for Lay Fellows have been received by the Returning Officer and therefore an election will be held to conclude on Friday 21 March at 11.59 pm.
The College has gone to all reasonable efforts to include all known information of eligible voters on the Roll of Voters. Each voter will be sent an email with a unique link to cast their vote electronically. If you believe you are an Elector and did not receive the Notice of Election sent by email on 10 February 2025, you are invited to contact the Returning Officer to up-date your details if required, via email: before 5.00 pm Sunday 2 March 2025.
Declaration of the 2025 Election of Two Clerical Fellows
Nominations were also called for two vacancies for Clerical Fellows for the St Paul’s College Council. The only nominations received were for Rev’d Philip Bradford and Rev’d Dr Kimberly Sawyer. Accordingly, Rev’d Philip Bradford and and Rev’d Dr Kimberly Sawyer have been elected as Clerical Fellows.