College Governance

Established by statute in 1854 the original St Paul’s College Act created the College’s governing body which is its Council consisting of the Warden and Fellows.

The Saint Paul’s College Act 2018 No. 71 (NSW) modernised the governance of the College, including reducing the size and increasing the diversity of the College Council which today is the Warden and twelve Fellows. To read the Act click here.

The Act has provision for the Council to make By-Laws which are binding on the College community at any given time. These By-laws are regularly revised by the Council and the most recent can be found here.

2025 Election of Fellows

In accordance with schedule 2 part 2 (4) of the Saint Paul’s College Act 2018 (NSW), an election was be held in March 2025 for the election of two (2) Lay members of Council for terms of six years. Four (4) nominations were received by the Returning Officer for: Mr Matthew Gerber, Mr Jethro Mahon, Mr Andrew Sinclair, and Mr Adrian Wong.

Congratulations to Mr Matthew Gerber and Mr Andrew Sinclair who have been declared elected by the Returning Officer.

Nominations were also called for two vacancies for Clerical Fellows for the St Paul’s College Council. The only nominations received were for Rev’d Philip Bradford and Rev’d Dr Kimberly Sawyer. Accordingly, both have been elected as Clerical Fellows.

College Handbook

A useful resource for all residents is the College Handbook. This contains a wealth of information about the College, its operations, procedures and who’s who.

The see the handbook click here where you will find a version that can be viewed on screen and downloaded to your computer. The Handbook is subject to change and a version control is recorded on the back cover.

St Paul’s College Handbook