The St Paul’s College Union was founded in 1891, on the joint initiative of resident members of the College and of former students
All resident students and staff of St Paul’s College are members of St Paul’s College Union. After leaving College former residents who pay a life membership fee are then admitted as Life Members of St Paul’s College Union.
The Life Membership fees are held in trust in the Life Membership Fund.
The Union supports the educational objectives of the College and gives strength to many aspects of ‘collegiality’ so critical to the success of any university residential college.
The comradeship of undergraduates will never breed the spirit of learning. It must include the older men. Woodrow Wilson, ‘The Spirit of Learning’ (Princeton University, 1909).
The Union conducts a number of activities for the enjoyment of Life Members and current residents.
The Union is governed by an elected committee who manage the Union’s functions and finances under the 2020 Constitution. The management committee is elected annually and in 2024/5 is:
The non-voting Public Officer is Richard Morgan (70s).
Victoriana! returns in 2025 after its 60th annual season last year.
Victoriana! is a main annual event for students and alumni of the College which in 2024 ran its 60th season. It is the longest running musical production in Australia.
Very importantly the Union encourages and helps with the organisation and hosting of Fresher Year Group 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10 year reunions. This year everyone is invited to a black tie dining and jazz reunion in the Hall on Saturday 5 April 2025. For tickets CLICK HERE.
The Union hopes this April date will become the regular annual reunion of Paulines and their partners.
When appropriate, Life Members join the Resident Members of the College community for major events such as the Rawson Cup games, musical and theatre productions, the Anzac Service and the Carol Service.
Also during semester every Tuesday at 5.15 pm alumni and guests are welcome to join us for Evensong in the chapel. The wonderful music in the English Choral tradition is provided by the internationally renown College Chapel Choir and our organists.
For other events for Paulines old and new see this page: EVENTS PAGE
All Paulines and their partners are welcome!
Mentoring of senior students is greatly enhanced with the support of alumni. The point of contact for those interested in being a mentor is Richard Morgan, Director of Community Engagement at the College.
If you can help there are seniors interested in career development within the law, government, environmental sciences, finance, accounting and consulting, IT and social media, and health sciences.
For more on mentoring CLICK HERE
The College has a complete record of all those who entered the College during its history and became Paulines. It is a priority for the College to stay in touch with its living alumni and information is held about each one for that purpose. Paulines are encouraged to contact the Director of Community Engagement, Richard Morgan, to up-date their records upon change of address or to give the College current and recent news for publication.
College merchandise and Union crested goods are available for purchase from the College Office (t. 02 9550 7444). Stock includes:
The Union supports the College in all its endeavours by providing a formal body of ex-residents, many of whom are also eligible to vote at the election of Lay Fellows, who form the governing council of the College alongside Clerical Fellows.
The Union has been a binding force as well bringing together alumni and students for mutually beneficial pursuits that support the education provided at Paul’s through such activities as tutorial support, inspiring speakers for formal dinner, and supporting student needs through direct requests from the Student Club Committee.
All Resident Members and Life Members are welcome to attend the Annual General Meetings held at College. During the AGM reports are presented and the executive and committee is elected for the ensuing year.
In 2025 the AGM will be held at College on Tuesday 06 April in the JCR.
A Special General Meeting is being held on the same date and just prior to the AGM on 6 April 2025 to consider an up-date to the Constitution.