Philip Barr
Admissions Team
Philip Barr BA DipEd(Syd) serves on the Admissions Team of the College and works with the recruitment of undergraduate students to the College. He attended St Paul’s as a resident student from 1973-1976, where he served as Honorary Secretary of the Students’ Club and Director of Mummers.
Philip has enjoyed a distinguished career in secondary education in Australia and the UK, most recently as the widely admired Master of the Lower School at Sydney Grammar School. In this role, he deputised for the Headmaster, interviewed all candidates for admission and scholarship, and was responsible for the general welfare and pastoral care of all boys in their first year at the School.
Across the course of his 39 years as a schoolmaster, Philip has taught English, Art (principally Art History) and French. His early years at Sydney Grammar saw him serve as Rowing Master and a House Master. He is an experienced and enthusiastic rowing coach, continuing to coach schoolboy crews today.
In the mid-1990s, Philip took on a three-year posting at Oundle School, Northamptonshire, the largest co-educational boarding school in Britain.
Philip has a long-standing affiliation with St James’ King Street, where he has served principally as a musician, but also as a parish councillor and parochial nominator. Since retiring from Sydney Grammar School in 2016, Philip has been active in supporting the admissions and academic programs of St Paul’s College.