The Undergraduate community has chosen its Students Club executive and committee for 2025. Congratulations to the newly elected:
- Senior Student: Matilda Walker
- Honorary Secretary: Jack Dawson
- Honorary Treasurer: Gus Gregg
- Committee Members: Kate Brenner; Will Cox; Jack Rowe; Harry Scambler and Ollie Webster.
The committee-elect begin their roles in the New Year with a retreat to coalesce as a team and to work with the Warden, Dean and residential life staff to formulate plans and goals for the year ahead.
Readers will notice our Senior Student[1] for 2025 is Tilly Walker and we offer her particular congratulations being the first woman to hold this most significant role at St Paul’s. Congratulations on this electoral result. We all wish Tilly and her committee the very best for next year.

The College community acknowledges the work of the incumbent committee under Senior Student Ed Taylor and thanks them for their untiring support for the College, Intercol, and the work they have done and are still doing for the benefit of every member of the St Pau’s community.
2024 Senior Student – Ed Taylor; Hon Secretary – Alex Robinson; Hon Treasurer – Mitchell Arcus; Rawson Rep – Banjo Cole; Palladian Rep – Nick Stack; and House Committee – Natalie McRory.
[1] In July 1928 the St Paul’s College Students Club was formed under its first constitution and in so doing elected the Senior Student and committee. Prior to this the senior student was the resident who had been longest on the books of the College. [see Alan Atkinson, Hearts and Minds, 2017 p 246]